Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Before the Aphids Attack!

Before the Aphids Attack!

Sunset view from Banana Rock Bar, Koh Tao
So here are some pictures of my plants before aphids attacked and left them in a slightly sorry state...

Start of a flower bud - chilli plant

Aubergine/Eggplant Flowers

Papaya Seedlings

Avocado Sprout
Sneaky Avocado Sprout from the compost pile

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

More New Stuff

More New Stuff

Praying Mantis protecting my Chilli Plant

Apple tree seedling
Tomato plant towering over the rest
First signs of a Flower bud
The long tall shoot is a date plant!
Lemon Tree seedling, slowing getting taller
Leftover sesame seeds starting to sprout
Ginger Plant
Dragon Fruit Seedlings
Chili plant with first signs of flower buds