Sunday, 17 November 2013

Before the Monsoon Hits

The Sun is Shining before Monsoon begins.....

Sairee Beach Palm Tree with Long Tail Boats

Garlic just keeps on growing
Ginger, now with two sprouts

Was amazed at how quickly the Garlic is taking, and how quickly it is shooting up, not to mention lots of roots. One of the benefits with the plastic containers is you get to see the root system growing.
Citrus Trees, note the couple of new sprouts

Lemon Tree Sprouts

The Ginger on the right seemed to die and wither away, but then burst back into life with a new shoot. Guess the message is that even if it looks like your ginger is dying, it is likely to bounce back, may just take some time.

The citrus trees are doing well, and was happy that some extra lemon seeds that I planted about a week before started to burst into life. These do not grow very quickly, but it is nice to see how far they have come.

These are definitely lemon sprouts, think the above ones are too, but planted a mixture of lemon and lime seeds, so will probably never know..

Saturday, 9 November 2013

Just won't stop Growing

Just Won't Stop Growing

Thunderbolt and Lightning Koh Tao
Ok, so this isn't a picture of plants, was just extremely happy to actually capture a lightening bolt!

Ginger Sprouting and romping ahead

So the ginger is going through a real growth spurt, and I'm so glad that i have managed not to kill it yet!

Spring Onions grown from offcuts

Capsicum seedlings in their new pot
So these were grown from the offcuts of spring onions, was amazed at how quickly the roots took and how quickly they start shooting up.

The capsicum bell pepper seedlings took very well to their new bigger pot.

Garlic Sprout after 5 days

After our garlic seemed to be growing a life of it's own in our fridge, I decided to pop some cloves into soil and see what happened, and it sprouted and shot up really quickly.

Friday, 1 November 2013

Mango, Mango, Mango!

Mango, Mango, Mango!
Mango Seedling at Sunset

This entry is being devoted to that of the mango seedling that I never expected to start growing. After following advice on soaking the pod for a week, changing the water every day, I actually ended up soaking it for 2 weeks and changing the water about 3 times. I planted the pit and there is sat, seemingly dormant for another 3 weeks. I then noticed something green start to become visible through the plastic bottle I planted it in. I then decided it was probably time to repot it into something a little roomier, and was then not sure if I had killed it, or willed it to live?
So below are the pictures that show the succession of events that lead to the final shot today (1st Nov) that is at the top basking in a lovely sunset.   

Mango Sprouting 17/10/13

So after the drama of re-potting  around 2 days later I saw this purple thing coming out of it, and was a little excited that I had managed not to kill it! This was taken on the 17th October.
Mango starting to show it's leaves 18/10/13

This shot was taken the next day (18th) and I was really excited to see what looked like a leaf starting to sprout.
Mango Seedling 22/10/13

This sprout grew impressively in four days, this shot was taken on the 22nd October
Mango Seedling 25/10/13

This Sprout grew a phenomenal amount in just 3 days, this one was taken on the 25th October

Mango Seedling 30/10/13

This was taken on the 30th October, and now the leaves seem to be growing in size rather than in number